self-study group

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January 29, 2018

Topics studied in a Self-study-group

In my earlier blog (Learning about inquiry), I described the process and the ‘rules’ in a self-study group I am hosting. In this blog I will give some examples of the topics that are studied by the participating teacher educators. I do this through unfolding small ‘portraits’ of the participants about their professional journey (see Loughran, 2014).
October 23, 2017

Learning about inquiry

Research, inquiry, researcherly dispositions (Tack & Vanderlinde (2016), a lot has been written on these topics in relation to teacher educators and to be honest, I do not care too much about getting involved in this discussion, I rather start acting. I rather start acting. Of course, in my actions I am encouraged by literature, but for me it is the activity that counts.