Bregje de Vries
Bregje de Vries
Bregje de Vries works as an assistant professor at the teacher education institute of the Vrije University Amsterdam. She teaches courses in general pedagogy, innovative pedagogies such as inquiry-based learning, and educational research for teachers’ daily practices. Her research focuses on teachers and teacher educators as designers of innovative curricula and teacher leadership/adaptive expertise/agency, as well as the professional development of teachers and teacher educators in and through (participatory) research activities. She is the coordinator of the professional development program of the Vrije University Amsterdam.
Latest publications
De Vries, B., & Lockhorst, D. (2024). Kristallisatie: de kunst van het belichten van complexe vraagstukken door onderzoek [ Crystallization: the art of illuminating complex problems through research ]. Beleidsonderzoek Online, (0)3, 1-19.
De Vries, B., Schenke, W., Middelbeek, L., & Lockhorst, D. (2024). Wensbeelden en doemscenario’s: het belang van toekomst verkennen voor onderwijs en opleiden [ Wish images and doomsday scenarios: the value of futurism for (teacher) education ]. Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 45(1), 1-15.
Westbroek, H., Jongejan, W., Kaal, A., & De Vries, B. (2022). Research literacy in initial teacher education: Supporting the development of personal theories. In P. Boyd, A. Szplit, & Z. Zbróg (eds.), Developing teachers’ research literacy (pp.113-136). Kraków: Libron.
Murray, J., Kidd, W., De Vries, B., McMahon, A., & Viswarajan, S. (2021). Designing professional development for teacher educators: Creating long-term learning for the workplace. In R. Vanderlinde, K. Smith, J. Murray & M. Lunenberg (Eds.), Teacher educators and their professional development: Learning from the past, looking to the future (pp.131-143). Routledge.
Key publications
De Vries, B., & Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. (2020). Hoe blijf je lerarenopleider? Een waaier aan professionaliseringsmogelijkheden [ How to keep up as a teacher educator? A range of possibilities for professional development ]. In H. Oolbekkink-Marchand, Q. Kools, H. Stokhof & M. Vervoort (red.), De Staat van de Lerarenopleider (pp.23-28). Velon.
De Vries, B., Swennen, A., & Dengerink, J. (2020). Design principles for the professional development of teacher educators: Illustrations of narration, dialogue and self-study. Parezja, 13(1), 47-54.
Westbroek, H., De Vries, B., Walraven, A., Handelzalts, A., & McKenney, S. (2019). Teachers as co-designers: Scientific and colloquial evidence on teacher professional development and curriculum innovation. In J. Pieters, J. Voogt, & N. Pareja-Roblin (Eds.), Collaborative Curriculum Design for sustainable innovation and teacher learning (pp.35-54). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Open.
Westbroek, H., Kaal, A., Geraedts, C., De Vries, B., Handelzalts, A., & Meeter, M. (2019). Core-practices-based teacher education at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Paper presented at AERA, April 10th, Toronto, Canada.