Gerry Czerniawski
Gerry Czerniawski
Gerry Czerniawski is Professor of Education at the University of East London (UEL) and former chair of the British Curriculum Forum. He runs the professional doctorate at UEL and teaches on a variety of programmes including initial teacher education. In addition to his role as a researcher, author and teacher educator he is the lead editor of the BERA Blog and a trustee, director and council member of BERA, standing as Engagement Chair since 2017.
Latest Publications
Czerniawski G., Guberman A., Oolbekkink-Marchand H., Assuncao Flores M., Bain Y. (2024). Research and practice in the professional development of School-based Teacher Educators (SBTEs): comparative insights from the International Forum for Teacher Educator Development (InFo-TED) 2021 SBTE survey. In: Symeonidis, V. (Ed.) (2024). Enhancing the value of teacher education research: Implications for policy and practice. The Netherlands: Brill.
Czerniawski G. and Jones S. (Eds) 2024. Curriculum in a Changing World: 50 think pieces in education, policy, practice, innovation and inclusion. London: BERA/Troubador.
Czerniawski G., Guberman A., MacPhail A., Vanassche E. 2023. Identifying school-based teacher educators’ professional learning needs: an international survey. European Journal of Teacher Education (Ahead of print: https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2023.2251658)
Czerniawski, G. (2023). Power, positionality and practitioner research: Schoolteachers’ experiences of professional doctorates in education. British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1–15.
Key Publications
Czerniawski G. 2022. Professional development or professional learning: developing teacher educators’ professional expertise. In: Meyer D (Ed) The International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Edition). London: Elsevier
Czerniawski G., MacPhail A., Vanassche E., Ulvik M., Guberman A., Olbekkink-Marchand H., and Bain Y., 2021. Researching the professional learning needs of teacher educators: results from international research. In: Vanderlinde R., Smith K., Murray J., and Lunenberg M. [Eds]. Teacher Educators and their Professional Development: Learning from the Past, Looking to the future. London: Routledge.
Czerniawski G. 2021. Researching teacher education in urban contexts. In: Mayer D. & Menter I (eds.) Becoming a Teacher Education Researcher. London: Critical Publishing.
Czerniawski G. 2018. Teacher educators in the twenty-first century: identity, knowledge and research. London: Critical Publishing.
Czerniawski G., Gray D., MacPhail A., Bain Y., Conway P., Guberman A.. 2018. The professional learning needs and priorities of higher-education based teacher educators in England, Ireland and Scotland. Journal of Education for Teaching. 44 (2): 133-149
Czerniawski G., MacPhail A., Guberman A. 2017. The professional development needs of higher education-based teacher educators: an international comparative needs analysis. In: the European Journal of Teacher Education. 2017, Vol.40(1): 127-140
MacPhail A., Ulvik M., Guberman A., Czerniawski G., Oolbekkink-Marchand & Bain Y. 2018. The Professional Development of Higher Education-based teacher educators: needs and realities. Professional Development in Education. DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2018.1529610