Juliette Boks Vlemmix
Juliette Boks Vlemmix
Juliette Boks-Vlemmix is an Assistant Professor in Education in the Department of Teacher Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. Here she teaches courses in education and general pedagogy in master and post graduate teacher education programmes, to the post graduate programme she has been programme leader for many years. Juliette’s main research interests are related to teacher educator professional development and works, aside teaching, on her PhD thesis on teacher educators’ becoming-professional, inquiring aesthetic approaches in collaborative professional learning from a new materialist perspective. Her recently finished project “PLUSS”, explored professional learning and research partnerships between school-based teacher educators and university-based teacher educators in co-creating practices for student teachers in school and on campus.
Latest Publications
Boks-Vlemmix, J., & Aspfors, J. (2024). Cartographic Review of Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning with an Aesthetic Approach. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5577
Ulvik, Marit, Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette & Smith, Kari (2024). Veiledning sett fra et veilederes perspektiv. In Kvam, E.K., Roness, D., Ulvik, M., Helleve, I., & Smith, K. (Ed.). Veiledning og profesjonell utvikling i skolen (111-139). Fagbokforlaget.
Boks-Vlemmix, J., & Karlgård, K. (2023). Et samskapsundervisningsopplegg om kontaktlærerrollen – brobygging mellom campus og praksisskole. In Emstad, A. B. (Ed.). Samskapt kunnskap i skole og lærerutdanning: der praksis og teori møtes (123-161). Universitetsforlaget.
Sjølie, E., Strømme, A., & Boks-Vlemmix, J. (2021). Team-skills training and real-time facilitation as a means for developing student teachers’ learning of collaboration. Teaching and Teacher Education, 107, 103477. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2021.103477
Key Publications
Boks-Vlemmix, J., & Aspfors, J. (2024). Cartographic Review of Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning with an Aesthetic Approach. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5577