Knowledge Bases - Building Blocks
The knowledge bases consist of 13 building blocks. The building blocks are based on the conceptual model below. The conceptual model provides a map for the professional development of teacher educators. Also on this page you will find some video examples of good practices, and an overview of relevant web sources.
Building Blocks
Each building block has an introduction page, and offers suggestions for further reading and related blogs.
Conceptual Model
More information about the purpose and theoretical background of the model
Planning for Instructional Alignment
This video introduces instructional alignment as a practically plausible way in which to exemplify the coherent planning of curriculum, assessment and instruction.
The Professional Practice of Teacher Educators: Using a mentoring conversation to support per-service teachers’ self-evaluation
Designing Professional Development for Teacher Educators: The InFo-TED Summer Academy
- Yvonne Bain, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Supporting Student Teachers’ Development: Student Teacher Learning Communities (STLCs)
The full value contract for a safe learning environment
- Ann MacPhail, University of Limerick, Ireland