Welcome to InFo-TED

Supporting, researching and advocating for teacher educator development

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White Paper

The Importance of Teacher Educators: Professional development imperatives (PDF)

The activities of the multinational InFo-TED group; Including the largest body of evidence to date on European teacher educators’ professional learning.

InFo-TED - International Forum for Teacher Educator Development


Promoting Professional Development of Teacher Educators

Knowledge Bases

The knowledge bases consist of 13 building blocks. The building blocks are based on the conceptual model. The conceptual model provides a map for the professional development of teacher educators.

Knowledge Bases

The knowledge bases consist of 13 building blocks. The building blocks are based on the conceptual model. The conceptual model provides a map for the professional development of teacher educators.

General aims of InFo-TED

To develop and implement knowledge bases of teacher educators.

To translate the knowledge bases of teacher educators into an international professional development programme for teacher educators.

To develop and implement supportive guidelines for induction and professional learning programmes of teacher educators.

To explore how an enduring international supportive structure can be implemented

General aims of InFo-TED

  1. To develop and implement knowledge bases of teacher educators.
  2. To translate the knowledge bases of teacher educators into an international professional development programme for teacher educators.
  3. To develop and implement supportive guidelines for induction and professional learning programmes of teacher educators.
  4. To explore how an enduring international supportive structure can be implemented