Council Meeting - Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands - 29-30 January, 2019
4th row from left to right: Amanda Berry, Geert Kelchtermans, Donald Gray, Jean Murray and Jurriën Dengerink. 3rd row: Ruben Vanderlinde, Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand, Mary O'Sullivan, Kari Smith and Mieke Lunenberg. 2nd row: Ann MacPhail, Yvonne Bain and Marit Ulvik. 1st row: Ann Deketelaere, Frances Rust, Ainat Guberman, Gerry Czerniawski and Paulien Meijer
Council Meeting - NTNU, Norway - 30 June - 1 July, 2018
Back row from left to right: Frances Rust, Marit Ulvik, Yvonne Bain, Eline Vanassche, Jean Murray, Ann Deketelaere, Jurriën Dengerink, Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand and Paulien Meijer. Front row: Geert Kelchtermans, Ainat Guberman, Donald Gray, Kari Smith, Gerry Czerniawski and Ruben Vanderlinde
Council Meeting - University of Limerick, Ireland - 8-9 March, 2018
Eline Vanassche, Kari Smith, Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand, Gerry Czerniawski, Jurriën Dengerink, Paulien Meijer, Frances Rust, Jean Murray, Donald Gray, Mieke Lunenberg and Yvonne Bain
Council Meeting - Ghent University, Belgium - 26-27 October, 2017
![Back row from left to right: Jurriën Dengerink, Geert Kelchtermans, Paulien Meijer, Jean Murray and Ruben Vanderlinde. Middle row: Frances Rust, Eline Vanassche, Mieke Lunenberg, Kari Smith, Marit Ulvik and Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand. Front row: Yvonne Bain, Gerry Czerniawski, Ann Deketelaere, Ainat Guberman, Hanne Tack and Ann MacPhail](
Back row from left to right: Jurriën Dengerink, Geert Kelchtermans, Paulien Meijer, Jean Murray and Ruben Vanderlinde. Middle row: Frances Rust, Eline Vanassche, Mieke Lunenberg, Kari Smith, Marit Ulvik and Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand. Front row: Yvonne Bain, Gerry Czerniawski, Ann Deketelaere, Ainat Guberman, Hanne Tack and Ann MacPhail
Council Meeting - Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 30-31 March, 2017
![Back row from left to right: Warren Kidd, Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand, Paulien Meijer, Kari Smith and Jurriën Dengerink. Middle row: Mieke Lunenberg, Ann Deketelaere, Frances Rust, Marit Ulvik, Ruben Vanderlinde and Mary O'Sullivan. Front row: Yvonne Bain, Ainat Guberman, Ann MacPhail, Gerry Czerniawski and Donald Gray.](
Back row from left to right: Warren Kidd, Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand, Paulien Meijer, Kari Smith and Jurriën Dengerink. Middle row: Mieke Lunenberg, Ann Deketelaere, Frances Rust, Marit Ulvik, Ruben Vanderlinde and Mary O'Sullivan. Front row: Yvonne Bain, Ainat Guberman, Ann MacPhail, Gerry Czerniawski and Donald Gray.