Welcome to the InFo-TED Summer Academy! On the other pages of our website you can read more about us and our project and also see further information on the Summer Academy itself. On this private part of the website – our Academy Forum – we can begin to develop conversation and communication amongst ourselves leading up to our arrivals in Norway in July 2018. The only people with access to these Forums and the posts we all make here are InFo-TED Council members (many of whom will be attending the Summer Academy) and also you, our colleagues and Academy participants. We thought it would be a good idea for us to all be in contact prior to the summer event so we might make the event as productive and interesting as possible.
On this Forum we have provided a small numbers of opportunities for you to post – so we can begin to interact with you and for you to ‘meet’ each other. We ask that you keep these communications private between ourselves here, but recognise that it would be nice for us to know something about each other before we all meet real-life in Norway.
Summer Academy Presentations (only available for Summer Academy participants and Council members). Please do require access to those by email to antonio.calderon@ul.ie