Ainat Guberman

Ainat Guberman

Deputy Head of the Research Authority
MOFET Institute, Israel

Ainat Guberman

Dr. Ainat Guberman is Head of the Research Authority at The MOFET Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel, and at David Yellin Academic College of Education, in Jerusalem, Israel. In the past, Dr. Guberman headed both the Inter-Collegiate Research Fund at The MOFET Institute and David Yellin College’s Department of Psychology. Her main fields of interest are teacher and teacher educators’ professional development, as well as cognitive development in early childhood. 

Latest Publications

Guberman, A., Ben-Yehudah, G., & Arviv-Elyashiv, R. (2024). Retraining professionals as STEM teachers: The potential and the challenges. European Journal of Teacher Education. 

Guberman, A., Mendels, J., Arviv-Elyashiv, R., Berglas-Shapiro, T., Avraham, I., & Mishkin, H. (2024). Weaving practice, research and policymaking in teachers’ preparation and induction in Israel. In V. Symeonidis (Ed.) Enhancing the value of teacher education research: Implications for policy and practice (pp. 195-220). Brill. 

Schur, Y., & Guberman, A. (2024). Conceptual change of ’teaching’ among experienced teachers after studying Attentive Teaching. Education Sciences. 

Guberman, A., & Mcdossi, A. (2023). Towards a “well rounded” cohesive teacher education program: The silent reform of teacher education practices in Israel. In Y. Wang, G.  Halász, A. Guberman, A., Baghdady, & O. Mcdossi (Eds.) Research, policymaking and innovation: Teacher and education Development in Belt and Road Countries (pp. 249-265). Springer Nature. 

Key Publications

Guberman, A., Avidov-Unger. O., Dahan, O., & Serlin, R. (2021). Expansive learning in inter-institutional communities of practice for teacher educators and policymakers. Frontiers in Education, 6. Article 533941. 

Guberman, A., Ulvik, M., MacPhail, A., & Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. (2020). Teacher educators’ professional trajectories: evidence from Ireland, Israel, Norway and the Netherlands. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(4), 468-485. 

Guberman, A. & Mcdossi, O. (2019). Israeli Teacher Educators’ Perceptions of their Professional Development Paths in Teaching, Research and Institutional Leadership. European Journal of Teacher Education, 42(4), 507-522. 

Teubal, E., & Guberman, A. (2014). Graphic texts: Literacy enhancing tools in early childhood. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense 


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