InFo-TED is the International Forum for Teacher Educator Development founded in 2014 by experienced teacher educators and scholars with an explicit expertise in research on teacher educator development. The Forum has been growing over the past years, and its aims to contribute to supporting, developing and advocating for teacher educator development remain unchanged. In 2024 the InFo-TED council reflected on its aims and way of working and looked to the future. This document describes the mission, vision and strategic goals of InFo-TED for the coming 4 years. Also, the way InFo-TED wants to work collaboratively in the near future in is described.


Mission and Vision

Mission: To improve teacher education and educational quality (in the broadest sense)

Vision: Supporting, researching and advocating for teacher educator development


Strategic Goals 2024-2028

  • (Re)structure the InFo-TED community and give ourselves time to learn to work together in a new way and monitor and evaluate this way of working
  • Maintain an enduring, international supportive structure
  • Research: Revise the InFo-TED Model; Explore and secure new funding for (research)projects on Teacher Educator Professional Development
  • Professional Development: Organize another InFo-TED Academy in 2027
  • Exploring possibilities to influence policy related to teacher educators and teacher education
    Explore a way of engaging community members of InFo-TED
  • Keep the website up to date and secure funding for the website


Community, Council and Co-convenors

In response to confusion about the way InFo-TED is organized, we agreed to make a distinction between the Community, the Council, and Convenors.

Figure 1 Representation of InFo-TED Community, Council and Convenors