Ann MacPhail

Ann MacPhail

Assistant Dean Research
University of Limerick, Ireland

Ann MacPhail

Ann MacPhail is Associate Vice President Doctoral College at the University of Limerick, Ireland and is responsible for the strategic leadership and management of the Doctoral College. Ann’s main research interests revolve around (physical education) teacher education, curriculum development, instructional alignment, internationalisation and doctoral education. Ann is Co-Director of the Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport Research Centre (PE-PAYS Ireland) and Associate Editor for the journal Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Ann is the Chairholder of the recently awarded UNESCO Chair on Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy for Sustainable Development to the University of Limerick. The intention of the UNESCO Chair is to promote an integrated system of research, teaching and training, as well as community engagement and communication. 

Latest Publications

Rufion, L., Iannucci, C., Hunuk, D., Vidoni, C., Luguetti, C., Goncalves, L., Ferreira, H., Batista, P., Borges, C., MacPhail, A., Sanches Neto, L. & de Souza Neto, S. (2024) Exploring Solidarity in Action: Key Methodological Features for Collaborative Research in Physical Education Solidarity in Action. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 

Scanlon, D., Murtagh, E., Calderón A., MacPhail, A., & Walsh, C. (2024). Aligning Pedagogies of Teacher Education with the Teaching of Social Justice. In B. M Butler and M. Bullock: Understanding a Pedagogy of Teacher Education: Contexts for Teaching and Learning About Your Educational Practice (1st ed.). New York: Routledge. 

Czerniawski, G., Guberman, A, MacPhail, A. & Vanassche, E. (2023). Identifying school-based teacher educators’ professional learning needs: an international survey. European Journal of Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2023.2251658 

Tack, H., Guberman, A., MacPhail, A. & Vanderlinde, R. (2023). Higher education-based teacher educators’ researcherly disposition: An international perspective. European Journal of Teacher Education. 

Key Publications

Young, A., MacPhail, A. & Tannehill, D. (2022). Teacher educators’ engagement with school-based assessments across Irish teacher education programmes. Irish Educational Studies.  DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2022.2061562 

Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A. & Calderon, A. (2022). A rhizomatic exploration of a professional development non-linear approach to learning and teaching: Two teachers’ learning journeys in becoming different. Teaching and Teacher Education.  

Guberman, H., MacPhail, A., Ulvick, M. & Oolbekkink-Marchand, H.W. (2020) Teacher Educators’ Professional Trajectories Positioned in four contexts: Evidence from Ireland, Israel, Norway and the Netherlands. European Journal of Teacher Education.  

Hordvik, M., MacPhail, A. & Ronglan, L.T. (2019) Developing a pedagogy of teacher education using self-study: A rhizomatic examination of negotiating learning and practice. Teacher and Teacher Education. https://doi:10.1016/j.tate.2019.102969  


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