Pedagogical approach to equity and diversity in teacher education: Case study

Pedagogical approach to equity and diversity in teacher education: Case study

This is a resource from the ED-TED Online Resource Bank, that is suggested to be used as a pedagogical approach to equity and diversity in teacher education. ED-TED is an Erasmus+ Teacher Academies project (Key Action 2 – Cooperation among organisations and institutions) aimed to promote equity and diversity in teacher educators’ professional development. The resource presents a short narrative of a case study that could be used to prompt or frame the discussion with preservice teachers and teacher educators. It could be used in online, in person or hybrid sessions. This one in particular has been co-created by preservice teachers in the module ‘Sociological Concepts of Teaching and Leaning in Physical Education’ at the University of Limerick, based on their school placement experiences. The case study could be used as part of a debate situation with preservice teachers, where they are presented the case study, and they would need to discuss some options to address that particular scenario and the implications for preservice teachers’ practice.

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