ECER 2018

European Educational Research Association (EERA)

4-7 September, 2018 - Bolzano, Italy


EERA Council Session

Professional Learning for European Higher Education-Based Teacher Educators: Addressing Issues of Pan-European Practices and Policies

  • Dr ML White, University of East London, England (N10 co-ordinator)
  • Professor Jean Murray, University of East London, England (N10)
  • Professor Ann MacPhail, University of Limerick, Ireland (N10)
  • Dr. Ruben Vanderlinde, Ghent University, Belgium (N10)
  • Professor Ken Jones, University of Wales, Trinity St David, Wales (N1 co-ordinator)
  • Dr Petra Grell, University of Darmstad, Germany (N6 co-ordinator))


Round Table presentations

Title of Proposal:

Professional Learning for European Teacher Educators: Addressing Issues of Inclusion/Exclusion in Teacher Education (PPTX)
Submitted to NW: ‘10. Teacher Education Research’

Presenters: Jean Murray, Paul Conway, Ann MacPhail, Marit Ulvik, Ainat Guberman


Title of Proposal:

Professional Learning for European Higher Education-Based Teacher Educators: Addressing Issues of Pan-European Practices and Policies (PPTX)
ECER 2018, Central & EERA Session

Network Co-ordinators: ML White (N10)  Ken Jones (N1)  Petra Grell (N6)

Presenters: Jean Murray, Ann MacPhail, Ruben Vanderlinde

Network Chair: Lin Goodwin


Paper presentations

Title of Proposal:

The Professional Development of Higher Education Based Teacher Educators in Three Countries: Ireland, Israel and Norway (PPTX)
Submitted to NW: ‘10. Teacher Education Research‘

Presenters: Ann MacPhail, Ainat Guberman and Marit Ulvik


Title of Proposal:

The Teacher Educator as Teacher and Researcher in Ireland: The Challenge of Being an Active User and Producer of Research (PPTX)
Submitted to NW: ‘10. Teacher Education Research’

Presenter: Ann MacPhail