ED-TED - Equity and Diversity in Teacher Educators' Professional Development
ED-TED is an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships project. Cooperation Partnerships aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and an exchange of experience at European level.
Promote equity and diversity in teacher educators' professional development
The overall aim of ED-TED is to establish a European professional network and communities of higher education teacher educators to support (virtually and face-to-face) teacher educator's professional development as they strive to have the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes (i.e., competences) to address issues of equity and diversity throughout teacher education programmes.
1. To explore current HE teacher educator practices in teaching for equity and diversity (WP2, Activities 1 & 2)
3. To explore, inform and collaborate with educational policy makers and stakeholders on potential infrastructures that address HE teacher educators' professional development needs in attending to issues of equity and diversity (WP3, Activities 1, 2 & 3)
Target Groups
HE teacher educators, pre-service teachers, institutional and national policymakers in teacher education
Work Packages
WP 1: Project Management (PHFR)
WP 2: Building a knowledge base to inform practice (KU Leuven)
-Activity 1: Mapping of teacher education practices (KU Leuven)
-Activity 2: Online resource bank (UL)
-Activity 3: Strategic transnational meeting for WP2 (PHFR)
WP 3: Policy assessment and recommendations (UGhent)
-Activity 1: Policy brief (PHFR)
-Activity 2: Cross-national competency framework (UGhent)
-Activity 3: Strategic transnational meeting for WP3 (UGhent)
WP 4: Dissemination and consolidation (UL)
-Activity 1: Interactive webinars across geographical locations (KU Leuven)
-Activity 2: Half-day webinar on policies focusing on equity and diversity (UMinho)
-Activity 3: Half-day online session with teacher education stakeholders and policy makers (UGhent)
-Activity 4: Final project hybrid conference (UL)
-Activity 5: Strategic transnational meeting for WP4 (UL)