Preparing for InFo-TED 2020 -2025

The first InFo-TED policy meeting in Brussel (see below) as well as the succeeding regional meetings (see above) show that Info-TED evokes deeps discussions on the professional development of teacher educators (in the notes mostly mentioned in general themes, a few concrete examples can be found in the Flemish/Dutch regional meeting report). Moreover, InFo-TED has started a cyclic process. At the beginning of InFo-TED national developments and experiences formed the base. InFo-TED has brought these developments together and extended them. Now InFo-TED inspires new ideas on national level: starting an Association for teacher educators in Ireland, thinking about founding a teacher educator centre in Norway, etc.

The current Info-TED planning runs to the end of 2019. In 2018 and 2019 we will organize several follow-up policy meetings. We would like to invite you to join our discussion about the future policy of InFo-TED. You can join us on our Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook account. You can also contact our forum manager, Kari Smith:

4-7 September, 2018    ECER 2018

19 May, 2018    TEPE-2018 - Multiplier event 4

1 June, 2016    Brussels Meeting


Brussels, 11 June, 2019

E-InFo-TED invited policy makers and educational leaders from the partner countries to a dialogue meeting to discuss how the role and importance of teacher educators as a professional group could be addressed. The E-InFo-TED White Paper (policy recommendations) was presented and discussed. There was genuine acknowledgement of the importance of this professional group for improving education, however, the invited participants expressed less clarity of how they would address the issue in their respective countries or at the European level. InFo-TED intends to continue the dialogue in the future.

Report from the meeeting (PDF)