We welcome new blogs on teacher educators and teacher educator development (500-750 words). For more information see our Blog submission policy or contact your national moderator.

January 4, 2019

The Evidence-Based Teaching Survey

Teacher educators play a pivotal role in the classroom ecology of teacher education because they support pre-service teachers’ learning and because they model teaching through their own practices (Lunenberg, Korthagen, & Swennen, 2007). Therefore, there is no exaggeration to say that if we strive for quality teacher preparation we should first invest time and effort on the professional development of teacher educators’ (Goodwin & Kosnik, 2013).
November 5, 2018

‘Voice Over Teaching’ for Teacher Educators

As a teacher educator, teaching in an institute, I was searching for ways to have more impact on student teachers’ learning. One pedagogical intervention caught my attention and seemed promising: explicit modelling (Lunenberg, Korthagen, & Swennen, 2007). A few years ago, I started experimenting and reading about it. This summer, in Trondheim Norway, visiting the Info-TED Summer Academy...

October 20, 2018

Explicating students’ beliefs about good history teaching

Beliefs are important in the development of teachers’ professional identity. The importance of developing beliefs about teaching and learning need to be debated, and we have to help teacher students to express their beliefs. This blog discusses a pedagogy we use in our teacher education program to elicit history students’ beliefs on how history should be taught...

October 1, 2018

Interrogating Professionalism

Teacher educators frequently invoke the concept of ‘professionalism’ in their work with students. It is usually presented as an unqualified good, a set of values that aspiring teachers should aim to achieve. In some countries (e.g. Scotland), suites of ‘professional’ standards appropriate to different career stages have been developed, as well as a code of ‘professional’ conduct (see GTCS, 2018).
September 11, 2018

Views on teacher education

A couple of years ago, I was asked to write a research review on the pedagogy of teacher education for the International Handbook of teacher education (Korthagen, 2016). It made me realize how overwhelming and scattered the literature in this field is, because many different views exist on ways to educate teachers. It made me realize how overwhelming and scattered...

August 21, 2018

Mesila – A Selection Battery for Future Teachers

Selection batteries are in use today to choose the best candidates for most positions in the work force, from bank tellers to salespersons, government workers to CEO's. However, although the teaching profession has been recognized as being very complex requiring specific personality traits and interpersonal skills...
July 25, 2018

Affected by teacher education

As teacher educator, educating secondary school teachers in Norway I often visit student teachers in their field practice. The last decade I have experienced an increased focus on measurable outcomes and the cognitive dimension of learning in schools. The teaching seems predictable. It feeds young people’s thinking, but does not ‘reach their heart or touch their soul’ (Biesta, 2017, p. 418).

July 13, 2018

Inclusive education starts in inclusive teacher education

My teacher educators always emphasised that acting as a teacher is inextricably bound up with your personal identity. But I also learned that it wasn’t about my identity. They meant and indicated to the personal identity of a white, middle class, female student. (Hispanic student about teacher education in California, US.)
June 29, 2018

Professionally developing teacher educators with regard to ICT

Before I became a teacher educator I was an assistant professor in educational science and a researcher in the field of ict in education. I was asked to give a series of lectures (an elective course) on ict in secondary education as a guest lecturer at the Teacher Education Institution (TEI) I am currently employed at.
June 24, 2018

Communication as the basis for understanding

Art can be a beacon to education. Two big art revolutions, the Renaissance and Impressionism, can show us a vision that should influence teaching and learning. The revolution of the Renaissance era, as Botticelli's picture Primavera (spring) of the end of the 15th century shows, allowed to depict the beauty of the world and of human beings.
June 11, 2018

Can the culture of YouTube inform our practice in Teacher Education?

As part of our efforts to embed purposeful opportunities to explore and develop digital literacy skills in the on-going professional experiences of our MA (Hons) Teacher education students at the University of Dundee...

May 6, 2018

The researcher inside me; the search for meaningful research in a shifting academic landscape

We are three university-based teacher educators who since many years have reflected on our development from teacher educators to teacher educators/researchers through collaborate self-study research.
April 19, 2018

Subject based Professional Learning Communities in Israel

Since the mid‐1990s, the concept of professional learning communities (PLCs) has arisen in the education field and yet it took a few more years to be accepted in Israel. The Ministry of Education (MoE) stipulates that all teachers participate in Professional Development (PD)...
April 10, 2018

Are EU Teacher Educators Freire Optimised to Empower the Diverse? A Call for Surveys to Find Out

Freire’s critical pedagogic perspective emphasizes the potential of every individual, and gives an idea of what kind of processes could empower...

March 26, 2018

Teacher competency frameworks: what do we know, and what should we know?

Smith and MacPhail identify one of the multiple and complex functions of assessment in teacher education as “ensuring student teacher graduates are professionally competent”...