
We welcome new blogs on teacher educators and teacher educator development (500-750 words). For more information see our Blog submission policy or contact your national moderator.

October 30, 2020

Changing the ‘message’ of school physical education in response to COVID-19: avoiding the ‘new normal’

The current Covid-19 pandemic has, and will continue to, significantly influence the way in which teaching and learning are experienced in schools (Kaur, 2020). As some governments begin to consider plans and protocols for a safe return to schools, as a physical education teacher and physical education teacher educator respectively, we raise the concern that physical education...

May 12, 2020

Supporting Do-It-Yourself video-based teachers’ professional learning

Focus on short videotaped episodes, find critical moments and examine them through predefined perspectives. These are the core instructions of a Do It Yourself (DIY) tool for analyzing self-filmed classroom videos currently being developed. Many teacher educators consider classroom video to be an important resource that supports high-quality professional learning (Marsh & Mitchell, 2014). Videos provide rich data, and are easily filmed with smartphones.

November 17, 2019

Registration deepens and connects

Experiences with Velon Professional Registration for Teacher Educators. Velon (Association for Teacher Educators in the Netherlands) is committed to the quality of individual teacher educators and to the quality of the professional group. Velon manages, among other things, the professional register for teacher educators. The aim of registration is a recognition of the quality of teacher educators’ work. As chair of Velon, I couldn't stay behind. it was time for me to register and it seemed best to do that together...

August 5, 2019

SHOW YOURSELF! Video-selfies for feedback

Collecting valid and trustworthy feedback on participants’ learning is essential for good professional development. Furthermore we believe it is time to radically reconsider the taken for granted use of anonymous written feedback if we want to take participants’ professionalism seriously. Therefore we designed and implemented a format with video-selfies during the InFo-TED Summer Academy –an international weeklong program for professionals engaged in teacher educator development (July 2018).
August 21, 2018

Mesila – A Selection Battery for Future Teachers

Selection batteries are in use today to choose the best candidates for most positions in the work force, from bank tellers to salespersons, government workers to CEO's. However, although the teaching profession has been recognized as being very complex requiring specific personality traits and interpersonal skills...
March 26, 2018

Teacher competency frameworks: what do we know, and what should we know?

Smith and MacPhail identify one of the multiple and complex functions of assessment in teacher education as “ensuring student teacher graduates are professionally competent”...
February 22, 2018

Instructionally aligned lessons are central to effective teaching

The three functions of assessment in teacher education presented by Smith and MacPhail in the InFo-TED assessment building block posed on the InFo-TED website are interconnected.